Standing Up

How far would you go for a laugh?

"Standing Up" is a feature-length documentary following three radically different, aspiring New York comedians. David Finklestein, an ultra-Orthodox Jew, is caught between two irreconcilable worlds and must perform in secret. Sara Parks, a young transplant from Texas, endures degrading work and even homelessness pursuing her dream. Raafat Toss, a deeply unsatisfied personal injury lawyer and father-to-be, searches for creative fulfillment and struggles to translate his hilarious personality to the stage.


"Standing Up" is a feature length documentary following three unlikely aspiring stand-up comedians – an ultra-Orthodox Jew, a couchsurfing custodian, and a personal injury lawyer – as they risk everything to find their voices on the cutthroat New York comedy scene. Distributed by Gravitas Ventures.


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